
Sunday, April 02, 2006

day threefiftynine - 6 more days of being zero years old

It's been a good week. I only had to wear pants a few times -I'm getting to wear my 'bubbles' as mom likes to call them. Dad calls them 'eggsuits' for the Humpty Dumpty-esque visage they evoke.

What else? Dad turned 30. We rocked out at the law skool talent show (yes, the 'Law Revue') at the 40 Watt. Mom made an awesome tart, with strawberries. Some kids are allergic to strawberries, but I haven't had one hive since I tried that tart.

I supposedly saw Great Uncle Tom yesterday. I think he was actually my maternal granddad, because they talk and look really similar and both have beards. Regardless, it was big fun.

compare with this guy, my real granddad

Saw Maddie yesterday. She is growing like a weed. Her blog is also growing like kudzu (see link to right), slowly overtaking all acclaim originally reserved for me. She'll rue the day when she realizes that the changes kind of slow down in a month or two. Then you'll all come back to me. Yes.


Madeleine Hays said...

Awesome looking tart. I hope you saved a piece for me?

the welches / הוולציס said...

Rock on, Barrit's Dad...I never knew young laywers could look so cool playing guitar.
