Dad's away at school studying for exams, and mom is momentarily disposed with finding a broom.
In the meanwhile, I'll help myself to some Cheerios . . .
. . . and I think I'll make a chicken quesadilla.
What happened to you, B? Did you get a new haircut or try out some blond highlights for the fridge photo - only Clairol Temporary, I'm sure. You look much too grown up to be only 1 year old. Good thing I'm an older woman.
Ellie, I think you're seeing the refrigerator light reflecting off my bangs. However, if I did get highlights, Mom would insist on taking me to a salon because she says she's had enough DIY hair disasters for the whole family.
This page used to be solely to detail the exploits of Barritt until early 2007, when he, from his infinite spring of benevolence, decided to dedicate a substantial portion of the erstwhile Barritt-blog to his baby sister, Annabelle. And then, in April 2010, . . . well, we'll just have to see what happens.
What happened to you, B? Did you get a new haircut or try out some blond highlights for the fridge photo - only Clairol Temporary, I'm sure. You look much too grown up to be only 1 year old. Good thing I'm an older woman.
I think you're seeing the refrigerator light reflecting off my bangs. However, if I did get highlights, Mom would insist on taking me to a salon because she says she's had enough DIY hair disasters for the whole family.
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