
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

day threeeightyone

Dad's away at school studying for exams, and mom is momentarily disposed with finding a broom.

In the meanwhile, I'll help myself to some Cheerios . . .

. . . and I think I'll make a chicken quesadilla.


Anonymous said...

What happened to you, B? Did you get a new haircut or try out some blond highlights for the fridge photo - only Clairol Temporary, I'm sure. You look much too grown up to be only 1 year old. Good thing I'm an older woman.

Barritt and Annabelle said...

I think you're seeing the refrigerator light reflecting off my bangs. However, if I did get highlights, Mom would insist on taking me to a salon because she says she's had enough DIY hair disasters for the whole family.