
Friday, March 10, 2006

day threethirtysix - March Mad-ness

Yes, the ACC tournament this weekend. And there is now a bracket at dad's law school for the remaining 64 people in the moot court competition. (There are even pools for this - NERDS!) But the Mad-ness that I am talking about is Madeleine Mei Hays. She was born on Tuesday, but judging from her looks, she is about 3 months old. It's not that she's huge; it's that she looks like such a mature baby. She'll probably start rolling over next week. Cheerios will come the next week. She'll undoubtedly be eating lamb by Easter.


Madeleine Hays said...

Mom and Dad seem confused. They want me to wear dark blue - like a boy - but all I have is pink in my wardrobe. I tell them that pretty little girls always wear pink but they're insistent that blue is the color of the month. Go Duke!