
Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Noah Miller's blog debut

I really couldn't resist putting this picture up. It reminds me a lot of the pictures that used to be in the Dairy Queen my dad used to frequent too often in high school, the consequences of which he is still fighting every time he rides his bike. They were these 11x14's of two 3 year olds dressed as farmers standing in the fields with captions like "Been farming long?" Anyway, this is Noah Miller, of the Drew and Peyton Millers. Handsome guy. Out there on the tractor in the Shenandoah Valley he won't have to grow up in the harsh social climes of Richmond like his momma, and he won't have to get a high school job at Abercrombie and Fitch like his daddy did just to make ends meet in Nova. He'll just daily get up with the sun and enjoy splitting the earth, listening to the subtle sounds of the resultant steam as his manure spreader pierces Harrisonburg's frosted soil.

And carrying on the tradition I began with the Smithcore, here is a nice local color piece about Noah's Dad Drew, a man destined for greatness if only because he shares my dad's birthday.