
Friday, May 13, 2005

day thirtyfive

I made weight. I'll be able to wrestle in a different class now. I made it to nine and a half pounds yesterday. The doctor said I was perfect - round head, strong neck from all the tummy time, eyes that only cross occasionally and have just the slightest yellow hue. This is from the Vitamin D that I'm not metabolising efficiently, but it supposedly happens to all babies who are awesome like me. It makes it so I can see at night, like a cat.

My paternal grandparents are coming in town tonight to play with me. I still haven't decided what to call them. Anyway, hopefully they will buy mom and dad all kinds of meals out. I like the way milk tastes after mom's been eating Thai or Mexican. Then again, last night she ate Aunt Yvonne's dim sum right here at home. The derivative milk made me long for the day I can eat dumplings directly.

I don't like to bring this up, but I've been really disappointed with the lack of comments posted on the site. There were 164 visits to the page last week - and not one comment. I don't want to hear about lack of updates until I start seeing some reciprocity. Like any relationship, this anonymous electronic relationship is a two-way street. There I said it.

So here are a couple of questions that might give rise to comments:
* Did Bettini take Baden Cooke down on purpose in Tuesday's stage of the Giro?
* Should mom get new running shoes? (She'll be doing a lot of walking with me, and then chasing)
* When should I get my first haircut? It's getting a bit long in the back, and I hate the way babies with uncut hair look. Why is it 'cute' for a baby to have a thin mullet?

That's it. I'm out. Time for daily nap number 5.


Anonymous said...

The haircut question is not up for debate. I'm not giving my tiny baby a haircut or letting his dad anywhere near him with scissors. He has sweet baby hair and we will get it cut when he's old enough to ask for it or when he needs a barrette to keep it out of his eyes. Whichever comes first.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to all this technology. But I think it's great that you can put up pictures and tell us funny stories since we all can't be there. This gives me a little insight into what it will be like to have a little one on a daily basis. He's super cute! Not all babies are. I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. Keep the sweet baby hair. Long is in for boys these days! Caitlin

Anonymous said...

barritt, you are looking good these days! look forward to seeing u at the beach next week, i could use a wing man (your dad is a bit of a wet blanket when it comes to the ladies). quick question.....any thoughts on yuan revaluation? word to your mother, p.

Anonymous said...

what it is barritt. your cousin, baby whatshisname, cant wait to meet you in person and neither can we. as far as being uncle patrick's wingman at the beach, you have your work cut out for you. not even your baby cuteness can compensate for his muscle t's and acid washed jean-shorts.
uncle sid

Barritt and Annabelle said...

Uncle P -

While many say the yuan is undervalued by up to 40 per cent, giving Chinese exporters an unfair price advantage, I think it is only reasonable to assume that Beijing will decide on its own when to change its exchange rates.

And as for dad being a wet blanket, that's not accurate - I guess you've never seen him in a crowd full of seminary women. And by the way, nobody can make a wet blanket like me.

Anonymous said...

Ok I admit - I have been coming to the site to check up on my second cousin (is that right?) and have yet to make a comment until now. Well, congratulations you guys - he is absolutely precious and so tiny! Hopefully we will get to meet him at natalie and blair's wedding over New Years? yes? ok good. very impressed with the site, I didnt even know what a blog was until about a month ago. Keep up the pictures - and how about one of mom and daddy with the baby - we want to see you all too! love, cousin Julia

Anonymous said...

I'm dictating, so pardon the spelling errors and what not. Mom has trouble keeping up with my stellar vocabulary since she's been grading the SATs. Apparently, she has adopted the "sub-par, mediocre and vapid language" of the high schoolers who's fate she's deciding, and thus is only able to speak in 3-4 word sentences.
Anyway, you're awesome. Tell your dad to keep the mullet, or moo-ley, as I call it. It rocks on babies. I myself suffer from the illusion of having a bumpy head, but really, I think I'm going to have a mini-afro like mom before too long.
And tell your mom that she should get new running shoes, without a doubt. My mom and I go on a walk every day and I love it. Plus when your mom and my mom get together, they can then take us on super walks whilst we eat super snacks and super baby food.
Ok, mom says I'm getting too verbose. I'll sign off now. Can't wait to meet you in person, thus making virtual reality...real reality?

Anonymous said...

The barrette would be cute...Do they make barrette's for boys? I think you should go for a frosted gerry-curl look.