
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

day fortysix

Yes. Day 46. Soon these things will be measured in weeks. Dylan is 64 today. I presume that is in years.

Things have been pretty great as of late. Most importantly, I've gotten really comfortable rocking it shirtless. I didn't like that when I first got home because it was still kind of cold and the nursery is a wee bit draughty and my belly button wasn't healed yet. Now however it's warm and I enjoy just sporting a diaper with the ceiling fan on medium. Perfect. It's kind of like being at the beach, which I've only seen on TV. Then again I'm taking my first trip there this Saturday. I won't tell you where it is, since we are always hounded by the media due to my extremely large web presence, but it does rhyme with Wee-a-wah.

What do people do at the beach? Mom and dad keep saying "Oh, I can't wait until we're at the beach, it will be so relaxing, etc." I can't imagine anything more relaxing than my present life near the big mountain. I eat, I sleep, I ride in the stroller around the mountain, I eat, I take a bath, I sleep, ad infinitum. I guess the beach is the same way, but hotter, flatter, and with Spanish moss. Also I get to meet Uncle P and his friend. He better bring me something awesome and Manhattanish, like one of those giant floor pianos from the movie Big. Or a Louis Vitton stroller. Or a onesie made by Seven or Prada.

Good work on the comments folks. This is the kind of thing I was envisioning. Keep it up. I can match wits with all of you wiseacres, and to those of you who are too demure to launch cheap attacks at me or my dad and instead choose to leave kind remarks, I applaud your gentility.


Anonymous said...

i've shown your site to alot of new parents and they think your page (and you) are pretty tight. immitation is the highest form of flattery, so be on the lookout for some other web pages. by the way, next wed is the big day.


Rick Clark said...

looking forward to your pics from the beach. hopefully the baby gap paparazzi has not learned of your site. that can really put a damper on the serenity of the beach. just wondering if it would be possible to link from here to an online gambling site. if so, i'd like to place five bucks on your first word. my prediction will remain covert until I hear back on your verdict.

Barritt and Annabelle said...

maybe you should register at Mr. bookmaker, my favorite european gambling house. I almost put down $10 on Ratzinger becoming pope and would've gotten 4-1 odds. See if you can get odds for my first word.