
Monday, March 31, 2008

Newsflash: Cousin Tyler Walks - Film at . . . now

March 31, 2008
The Triangle

Not content to sit around all day in a Bumbo seat, watching March Madness and eating sausage balls like other North Carolinians, Cousin Tyler busts a move across the living room rug at 8 months old.

When Annabelle Chambers, first cousin and recent walker herself at 14 months, was asked for comments, her response was surprisingly curt:

"Great. That's wonderful," Chambers said. "Yeah, really terrific. Would this have anything to do with the fact that I still sleep in a pack'n'play and Tyler has a real baby bed? Anyway, I mean, I guess I am happy for us. We both walked in March right? I think that is how you measure it these days - by the month of the calendar year, not the month of your own life. I saw something in Parents Magazine. Yeah, you know, I was going to start walking in, um, December, but I was afraid of slipping on the ice and snow and hail in the Winter."

When reminded that she lives in Georgia, where there is no ice or snow or hail, Chambers promptly threw a partially eaten banana at our cameraman and shouted "well then get the hail out of my kitchen!" and slammed the door.

Other Chambers, Barritt, and Long family members, who could not be reached by the time of publication, were more supportive, and even proud of young Tyler.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the props uncle matt and happy birthday!

cousin tyler