
Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Interview

Little Sister is looking less like me, and more like herself in these last few days. She is also looking kind of like a plump Irish or English lady if you ask me. Mom and Dad should have called her Dame Judy Dench instead of Annabelle Louise.We haven't spent much time together yet due to mom and dad's opinion that I am too 'touchy.' Whatever. Nonetheless, we did get time for the first part of our Interview:

Barritt: Welcome, we've been waiting for you. How does it feel to be here?
Annabelle: Cold.
B: It's 71 degrees today.
A: It was 98 degrees where I was last week.
B: Hmm. As for a different line of questions, how do you feel about being on the Barritt-blog?
A: What, is that like an honor? It's cute, but it is kind of sentimental and saccharine.
B: Sentimental and saccharine? We've already had 10,000 hits.
A: Well, half our extended family has this page as its homepage - we get hits from them just turning on the computer.
B: You're being kind of insouciant.
A: I think you mean I am either being impudent or saucy. Insouciant is the wrong word.
B: Maybe I meant both.
A: Just wait.

At this point she made me turn off the recorder, and she went and had some milk.

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