
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

day threeohsix - update

They've tried to take new pictures of me, but none of them are that good. So a few points of update:

We heard back from Breyers. They sent us a form letter about how they try earnestly 'to make sure there are a uniform number of swirls, chips, and nuts in each of our premier ice creams,' and that they are very sorry that our box didn't meet the standard. Bullocks I say. Balderdash.

It isn't surprising that they sent a form letter or that they sent us a voucher for more ice cream, or Klondikes, or anything else up to a six dollar value. What is surprising is that mom bought another half gallon of the same ice cream yesterday, from a different store, and - wait for it - there were no chips in that one either.

Should we write another letter and get another coupon? The decision is up to you. We will determine what to do according to the comments that you leave at this post. It's like a choose your own adventure book, but it is real life.


Anonymous said...

i'm with mom, keep trying the same kind of ice cream at different may seem futile, but its the only way to see how deep this scandal really goes.

Anonymous said...

I think Breyer's removed all the chips from Mint Chip ice cream intended for the Athens area out of fear of liability for the choking death of a drunk UGa frat boy with the 2 a.m. munchies. And please cite me if you use that on a law school exam.

Madeleine (note that you spelled it right) thanks you for coming to her party. She says she thinks Barritt is a cute boy, although it's hard for her to tell for sure since she's upside down with her head wedged in Yvonne's pelvis.


Anonymous said...

Mom says "never underestimate the power of effective letter writing." I think she said that on a whim when she was teaching business writing--I'm not sure though, because at the time, my head was lodged in her pelvis, much like Madeleine's is now.
Most of what she taught in that class was on a whim since from what I can tell, she's not really all that business-minded.

All of this to say that the Barnhardts say heck yes, send Breyers another letter. Stat.


Anonymous said...

I say send a letter but request that the company supply a new line of the mint ice cream with no chips. That is my dream, all mint, no chip. Maybe they will name it after you, Barritt.

Anonymous said...

Write them again and get another coupon...take them for all they're worth! Only this time, you should be compensated for the chocolate chips you were wrongfully denied. Demand an additional $3.00 off some MAGIC SHELL.

UUMMMMMMMMM...Magic Shell.

-Lydia Welch

El Tigre said...

If it were me, i'd be too lazy to write a letter in the first place, so I commend you on that initial effort. Now, is it insanity because you are doing (pretty much) the same thing and expecting a different result?

I am also reminded of "The Shawshank Redemption" where the main character writes a letter everyday for "x" number of years and finally gets funding for the prison library.

And, of course you need to evaluate the time and money that it takes to send a letter versus a coupon recieved for retribution. If the whole process takes over an hour (which I suspect it might), then you are actually losing in the long run
(assuming that your time is worth at least minimum wage) - coupon or not.

All that being said, I believe that you should cut ties and move on to a different brand. What's so special about Breyer's?

Anonymous said...

el tigre,
no hygrogentated oils in Breyers, yo. And we don't live as close to Hodgeson's as the theta chis do. How come we can't find your blog?