
Sunday, January 29, 2006

day twoninetysix - customer service

I got croup again on Thursday night, so we had another low key weekend. So instead of going on long walks or to the park, we stayed inside. So mom and dad turned their hand to being good consumers. The following is the actual letter they sent to Breyers Ice Cream:

January 29, 2006

The other day my wife brought Breyers home from the grocery store, the third half gallon in a week. The flavor? Breyers Light Mint Chocolate Chip. At least that's the flavor we thought we were getting. We ended up just getting mint, and I know that isn't a flavor you regularly offer.

At first we thought that by some strange coincidence, none of the chips were at the very top of the box. Digging deeper, we found nothing but pure, white, mint ice cream.

"Maybe it melted in transit and all the chips settled on the bottom," we postulated. But now that we are nearing the bottom of the carton, we know that isn't true either.

The more we thought about it, the more interested we've become. Was our gallon the end of the batch, and there were no chips left? Is there some other family out there enjoying a carton of Breyers Light Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream with extra chips in it...our chips?

To show you this is no joke, we've attached some pictures. One of the anomalous carton of ice cream and another of our son, who is rapidly approaching prime ice cream enjoyment age. Don't make us spell it out for you...

We don't know how you will remedy this. At the least, we need free ice cream for the next three years. That will get us through law school.

Kindest regards,

Matt and Caroline


Anonymous said...

your dad is joining the right profession. We have been to a Mcdonalds here in the northeast where the Happy Meal didn't make anyone happy. It made them gaseous and sad. And then later gave a nasty diaper rash. I'm sure when Chambers Esq. or JD hits the streets both McDonalds and Breyers will knock off the false advertising.

sarahsouth said...

brilliant! i hope i communicated as effectively to post cereals :]