
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

day onethirty

Blast from the past people. This was recently found in the archives of my granparents' camera. I was a hottie even 60 days ago.

That's all for now. I have to go get ready for Property I, um, I mean, I have to go nurse and take a nap.


Anonymous said...

barritt, it looks like your blog is the victim of some spam, i promise it has nothing to do with me, to prove that....on monday i'm shorting every timber stock i can find (i will also be buying lumber futures). speaking of the mkts, yuan revaluation, it happened, just as u said it would. good work! uncle p.

Barritt and Annabelle said...

that spam was absolutely tortious (not tortuous). hopefully dad will be able to find out in his civil procedure class how he might obtain relief from said spammers. nonetheless, they have ceased and desisted, inasmuch as I have eliminated their comments.

Anonymous said...

How'd you know UTNE was my favorite magazine? Is it yours too?
I'm sorry I'm late in thanking you for my birthday card; mom says to blame her, so I will.

You're a playa!
