
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

day threeninetysix

So this is what grass is like? We have green stuff in our yard at home, but it has lots of clovers and sticks and pecan shells and rocks and patches of dirt in it. I thought I knew a good reference point for the word 'verdant.' Now there is a whole new understanding since I played in my YaYa's yard.

By the way, does anyone know how to give a 13 month old a haircut? I'll be home tomorrow. You can come over and give me one then. Or you can just leave suggestions.


Madeleine Hays said...

How about a mohawk? It's too bad you're sitting up more now -- I find I can get a killer mohawk sometimes just by taking a bath and then lying around.

Anonymous said...


i suggest a perm. my curly locks grow and grow, but never get in my eyes. i hope to have an afro by age two.

by the way, guess who took his first steps yesterday...

see you at the beach,


Barritt and Annabelle said...

oh snap. The walking contest is on. Are you up to the challenge? Uncle Patty already promised me I could caddy for him at the beach. Don't worry, we'll both get our chance to caddy since he will probably play 11 rounds.