
Saturday, June 04, 2005

day fiftyfour - Billconn Arrives

I no longer have to sing 'Come thou long awaited cousin.' William Connor Barritt showed up at 14:13 Greenwich Mean Time on June 1. He's already proved himself to be tenacious, and it's going to be smooth sailing from now on. If we look similar, it's because we have 25% of the same genes, according to some work done by Gregor Mendel. His mom is doing well and dad is fired up. The dogs haven't seen him yet. But wait a minute, what's up with all the Barritt grandkids going by their middle names? Posted by Hello


Barritt and Annabelle said...

That's right Caitlin, that is my little cousin Connor. Right now I am 9 times older than him. In two days I will be 8 times older than him. In 3 years, people will say we are the same age. Crazy.

Anyway, he looks tiny, but he's heavy. He's actually the second most dense baby that has ever been born in Alabama, after Charles Barkley. His parents don't even know that. The obstetrician emailed me at the blog to let me know that his density is somewhere between Iron (Fe) and Kryptonite (SuperMan), whereas my current density is between Jello (gelatine style) and Jello (pudding style). Word has it that he is the only human who wouldn't float in outer space.

Anonymous said...

i attribute my physique to a steady diet of amniotic fluid for the past nine months and my exercise routine which included using mom's liver as a punching bag and 2am kicks to the bladder.

as i was twice to three times the size of the other babies in the nicu, they all took to calling me "diesel"

Anonymous said...

as i sit here in my bedroom at 1am, betting on the price of copper in australia, i can't help but think that my nephews seem to be smarter than i am (for some that may not be a surprise). can barritt or connor offer their opinion on the direction of precious metals, right now? is there a baby-hotline i can call?

Anonymous said...

uncle p

do you remember what your uncle, (my great uncle) tom, would say about baby diapers? if you do, i have some gold for you right now!


Anonymous said...

Barritt, you and Connor are just carrying on the family tradition. Your Mom uses her middle name as does Connor's Dad. And your grandpa and great grandpa. How come your Dad doesn't use his?


Anonymous said...

There was a brief period during Dad's middle school days when he requested that friends call him "Scooter," a derivative of his middle name, Scott. How you use this information is up to you...