Update. Our camera is in a box somewhere. Mom and dad just gave me a new room. I'm pretty sure that we might be living in a new house. I used to be able to roll all over the place in our living room, which was carpeted, and I'd never get hurt. Now, just when I'm learning to sit up, we seem to have hardwood floors. This creates two problems.
I. A lot of times I wear footie pajamas. I can't get any traction when I try to crawl or sit up.
II. When I do sit up, I will inevitably soon thereafter tip over. Hardwood floors hurt my head more than carpet did.
Nonetheless, Mom and Dad seem a lot happier. I don't have to get in the car very often. We can walk to the grocery store. I don't speak English yet, but that's OK, because neither do the people in that grocery store. El Mercado Central is their chosen nomenclature. It's beside a restaurant featuring Mexican food, which is beside another featuring Peruvian food, which is beside a wheelchair store, which is beside yet another restaurant called Cafe Cuba. It's across the street from an Italian restaurant called "Pizza Hut."